According to the site, the number of Facebook registerations in the site over the past six months, Armenia is at 124th place with the number of 103,640users.

 The top ten:

1. U.S. -146, 805,000

2. Indonesia -31,784,080

3. UK -28,820,660

4. Turkey- 24143980

5. France -20,469,420

6. Philippines- 18,901,900

7. Mexico -18,363,160

8. Italy -17,812,800

9. Canada 17,522,780

10. India 16,915,900

As reported, Azerbaijan is in 95th place - they have 271,640 users. Georgia is at 86th - 416,560 users. Russia is 31st - 3,116,360 users. It is possible that the ability to add contacts from “vkontakte” will create a large increase in users from Russia, which is already among the ten most actively adding in numbers.

Demographic indicators of users from Armenia: most users aged 18 to 24 years. Women are at 55% of the total number of users.