The detention and indictment of Telegram founder Pavel Durov is a complex case that raises many human rights concerns, the United Nations said Tuesday, Voice of America reported.
“This is a very complex case. It raises many human rights concerns,” Ravina Shamdasani, a spokeswoman for the U.N. Human Rights Office, told a briefing.
She said the office was considering publishing a document outlining “the parameters within which these situations should be addressed.”
Durov was detained at Paris' Le Bourget airport on Aug. 24. The next day, his detention was extended to 96 hours. The Paris prosecutor's office incriminates him, in particular, complicity in drug trafficking, crimes against children and fraud, that is, in fact, considers him as an accomplice of those who commit these and other offenses using Telegram. By court order, he is forbidden to leave the territory of France.