STRASBOURG. - Following the speech of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Albania, Chairperson of the Committee of Ministers of Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) Edmond Haxhinasto, Armenian delegation member Naira Zohrabyan asked him a question. The answer is interesting on two aspects, Zohrabyan told Armenian

International Court recognized the one-sided independence proclamation by Kosovo not contradicting to international law. On this regard, Zohrabyan asked Haxhinasto’s viewpoint on Nagorno-Karabakh, which desires to use the same right of people’s self-determination, as Kosovo, and why the unrecognized state cannot claim for an international recognition.

“In response to my question, Chairperson of the Committee of Ministers said that the issue first of all is not a priority for the CoE, and secondly, PACE supports the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs’ mandate in the process,” she said adding Haxhinasto’s thoughts on supporting OSCE Minsk Group and that PACE should not deal with the Karabakh issue are important remarks.

The other interesting remark by Albanian Deputy PM was that despite Kosovo’s case is unique, PACE should admit that it achieved international recognition based on people’s right of self-determination.

Zohrabyan believes that those two remarks are very important. The PACE President Jean-Claude Mignon plans to organize a meeting between Armenian and Azerbaijani delegations to discuss the options of re-establishing sub-committee on Nagorno-Karabakh or declining the idea. The Armenian delegation member hopes very much that Haxhinasto’s remarks will be taken into account.