Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday issued an order, pursuant to which Russian Deputy Defense Minister Nikolay Pankov has been appointed the representative of President in considering the issues of united military group with Armenia by State Duma and Federation Council.

The document is posted on the official portal of legal information, Lenta reports. 

In November 2016, Vladimir Putin approved the draft agreement with Armenia on creating a united military group between the two countries in the Caucasian region of collective security. The structure should ensure adequate response to an armed attack, as well as other challenges and threats to the security of the parties.

The commander of the group is appointed by Supreme commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Russia. The directives of the operative management addressed to the group are drafted by the southern military district of Russia and operative department of the General Staff of Armenian Armed Forces, following which they are considered by the heads of General Staffs of both sides.

In peaceful time, the commander of the group is accountable to the General Staff of Armenia, while in a war time, he may also be accountable to the Commander of Southern Military District of Russia.