On December 8, Armenian students expressed their protest against the decision to set up a monument to Young Turks in Salonika, Greece. The decision was made by the Salonika Mayor. About 1,000 Armenian students marched from the monument to Saryan to the Greek Embassy in Yerevan.

The action was organized by the National Student Association and the youth movement “For Armenia”.

NEWS.am reminds readers that Yiannis Boutaris, a Greek businessman and politician member of the Panhellenic Socialist Movement, was elected Salonika Mayor on November 15. He is known for his pro-Turkish views.

Two years ago he proposed naming one of the Salonika streets Ataturk Street. He was harshly criticized for that. However, after being elected Mayor, Boutaris put his idea into practice.

In his interview with Eleftherotypia (Greek: Ελευθεροτυπία) daily published in Athens, Yiannis Boutaris stated his intention to have monuments to Young Turks and Jews set up in Liberty Square. He said he had sanctioned the construction of a mosque in the city.

Mehmet Talat Pasha, one of the leaders of the Committee of Union and Progress or Young Turk movement and mastermind behind the Armenian Genocide is known to have lived in Salonika.