In the case of Artsakh, the European organizations’ certain desire to stay away from the conflict is very conditional.

Chairman of the Republic of Artsakh National Assembly (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic/NKR NA), Ashot Ghulyan, stated the aforesaid to Armenian, when asked about the European organizations’ staying away from conflicts.

“In the case of Artsakh, about which you are speaking, those restrictions are very conditional,” Ghulyan said. “No matter how much Azerbaijan doesn’t want, in recent years we see an intensification of relations with parliamentary structures, we see the work by individual MPs that visited Karabakh in different years; both those structures and those people don’t accept restrictions. We wish to strengthen and multiply that resource.”

Also, the NKR NA speaker recalled that Artsakh authorities have repeatedly stated that Artsakh is a democratic and open state, which does not restrict foreigners’ visits.

“This is the recommendation we are giving to international organizations and parliaments,” added Ashot Ghulyan. “The issue is that there are so many conflicts and problems in the world that the Karabakh topic doesn’t take the first place on the agenda. The interest toward Artsakh shall become the result of our work; and we have such an opportunity with the help of Armenia’s parliament, diplomacy, [and] the [Armenian] diaspora.”