Speaking to Bianet website of Turkey, Istanbul Armenian MP and vice-chairman of the opposition pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) of the country, Garo Paylan—who is running for parliament again, reflected also on the recent bloodless revolution in Armenia.

Paylan said he knew about the “Way Out” (Yelk) coalition still during his visit to Armenia in 2017, he wished meet with Yelk’s leader—incumbent Prime Minister—Nikol Pashinyan, but he was advised not to meet with him arguing that Yelk was a minor political force in the country.

“But I insisted that the program and ideas of that [political] party are close to my party’s,” Paylan added, in particular. “I had a long meeting with Pashinyan; I told him that Armenia deserved their party. But I didn’t expect everything to happen so quickly. Six months later, they came to power without bloodshed, with a revolution, with a truly democratic revolution. I’m very happy, and I congratulated them.

“Pashinyan also wishes to open the Armenian-Turkish border without preconditions. I hope a democratic power in Turkey too will open the border as soon as possible.”