Had all the processes at Amulsar been during our government, I would not have wished that such a mine would be near Jermuk town. 

The Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, on Friday morning stated the aforementioned in Jermuk, at his talk with the representatives of Lydian International company, which operates the Amulsar gold mine, and the demonstrators who protest against the operation of this mine.

Pashinyan informed that they had made several flights over the mine, with a helicopter.

“At least at this point we don’t have information that a procedure has been violated [at the mine],” he stated, in particular. “You know that inspections have begun, and which shall continue. [But] irrespective of the inspections, I consider my visit [to be] productive because we reached the essence of the matter.”

In the PM’s words, today there are two respective matters at hand: what impact does the operation of this mine have on water quality, and on Jermuk town—as a health resort center.

“What matters to me are the interests of the Republic of Armenia,” Pashinyan stressed. “Let’s create a reliable mechanism that we have a comprehensive answer.”

As reported earlier, for the past thirteen days, the activists who are protesting against the operation of the Amulsar gold mine have blocked all roads leading to this mine, and they demand that its operation be stopped. 

International experts, who had gotten familiarized with the situation on the spot, claim that the operation of this mine threatens the water resources of Armenia. They state that Lydian International company, which operates this mine, should build a respective cleansing station.

Lydian International, however, is unwavering. In addition, its workers also are staging demonstrations for the past several days, and they demand not to obstruct their work.