We all have to see to it together that there will be no such things in our country.

President of the National Assembly (NA), Ara Babloyan, on Thursday stated the aforesaid to reporters in parliament. He noted this when asked whether he sees a threat of dictatorship in Armenia.

In Babloyan’s words, during his talks with the Prime Minister, the President, the ombudsman, and the heads of all state-run organizations, he has placed the emphasis on democracy.

“I always argue that we [Armenia] have a dynamic progress over the past years, in terms of democracy, and we never have the right to take backward steps; we need to further strengthen democracy [in the country],” he said. “That’s why, for example, yesterday I agreed to allow the prime minister to conclude his address [in parliament], so that this address doesn’t take place during a rally, but in the National Assembly. This is a more accurate approach because we need to discuss serious issues, get answers to the questions at the body [the parliament] where political forces are represented.”