One of our key issues today is that the condition of our people be improved; the priority is amendment to the Tax Code.

Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Chairman—and tycoon MP—Gagik Tsarukyan, who heads the electoral list of this political force, stated the abovementioned during their assembly with voters in Gyumri—the second largest city of Armenia, and within the framework of the PAP’s campaign rallies for the upcoming snap parliamentary election in the country.

“Reform is needed to our country,” he said. “Second is the banking system.”

As per Tsarukyan, the number of banks should be reduced, but their branches should be increased in Armenia.

“Who can bring amounts with low interest [rates]? That’s thanks to trust, only,” he added. “There [should] be competition at banks. Each and every one [of them should] try to set low interest [rates], so that there will be many clients.”

Also, the PAP leader urged the people to vote for his party. But he added that whether or not they get votes, he will continue to do his work.

“There are connections, there is opportunity, [and] there is friendship that we can really make an arrangement, organize the matters,” Gagik Tsarukyan concluded. “The [Armenian state] budget amounts should be reviewed, [so] that (…) it’s used more purposefully, [so] that our people sense [it] in everyday life.”