A giant Super-Earth just six light years away could still have the potential to harbor primitive life, researchers have found, Daily Mail reported.

Barnard b (or GJ 699 b) is a recently discovered Super-Earth planet orbiting Barnard's Star, making it the second nearest star system to the Earth.

The planet is believed to be extremely cold, with temperatures is similar to Jupiter's moon, Europa, at around -150°C (-238°F).

However, researchers say it could have a large, hot iron/nickel core and enhanced geothermal activity, which would allow life to flourish.

'Geothermal heating could support 'life zones' under its surface, akin to subsurface lakes found in Antarctica,' said Villanova University Astrophysicist Edward Guinan at the 223rdmeeting of the American Astronomy Society (AAS) in Seattle, WA.