Iran will continue to strengthen its military and defense potential, said Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

His remarks came during his speech on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution.

“Today, 85 percent of military equipment, needed for defense of the country, is produced domestically. We have not asked for and will not ask for permission to make missiles. We will continue our military and defensive path. That means that the enemy will never reach its goals. The world should know that the Islamic Republic of Iran is stronger than what it was in the first years after the Islamic Revolution,” IRNA reported quoting Rouhani.

According to him, the development of the country in various ways, including the economic sphere, is one of the achievements of the Islamic revolution.

Today the volume of agricultural production in Iran is 122 million tons per year, whereas 40 years ago this figure was only 26 million tons, the President noted adding that Iranian agricultural exports increased by 20 times.

President Rouhani noted that Iran is fighting a psychological war with the enemy and needs to stay united to win it.

“Iran will not let the US win this war. The US has repeatedly announced in the past few years that Iran would fall but to no avail. Iran has gained a superior standing rather. Thanks to its resistance and unity, Iran will overcome problems and barriers,” he said.