The US Congress is debating on the American assistance to be allocated to other countries from the next year’s budget, the Voice of America Armenian Service reported.

Speaking before the House of Representatives’ Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, the organizations representing the Armenian community of America stressed that, considering the substantial progress which Armenia has made, the US assistance being allocated to this country should also substantially increase.

In Armenian Assembly of America Co-Chair Van Krikorian’s words, 2018 was a remarkable year for Armenia, and this should be reflected also in US policy.

Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Government Affairs Director Raffi Karakashian stressed the importance of increasing US assistance to Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh), alike.

ANCA Communications Director Elizabeth Chouldjian, for her part, stated that Armenia’s democratization and combating corruption is apparent to everyone.

But in her remarks, Sevinj Mammadova, a representative of the U.S. Azeris Network, called on the US Congress members not to approve any US assistance to either Armenia or Karabakh.