The main purpose of solving all problems is to find the key to economic development, and to create investment opportunities, Prosperous Armenia Party PM Sergey Bagratyan told reporters on Tuesday.

According to him, today, agriculture in Armenia is facing serious challenges, since, if earlier residents of villages received seeds and fuel from the state, now the state simply refuses to intervene.

“Now the Armenian Prime Minister amid liberalization and competitive opportunities declares that the role of the state is to provide conditions, and not to intervene. But this approach still needs to be checked so that it can be understood whether this is enough for the economy to develop,” the deputy noted.

According to him, although the agriculture conditions are generally favorable, but the proposed projects are rather difficult to move forward, because rural residents do not trust credit resources. The deputy is convinced that agricultural insurance should be introduced in at least six regions of the republic in order to mitigate possible risks.

At the same time, he noted that all spheres of activity in Armenia are somehow connected with energy resources, and without taking this into account it is impossible to realize investments in the republic.