Armenia is a European country and bears European values. This is what former Minister of Defense of Estonia Hannes Hanso declared during a seminar held today under the title “European Integration: The Estonian Experience”.

According to him, the Europeans and Armenians have common roots and, regardless of the large distance, they share common values, and this goes to show that there is an opportunity to further promote the common agenda, including within the scope of the Eastern Partnership. “The Eastern Partnership is an all-European project, not an Eastern European one. It is important for our Armenian colleagues to understand that the Eastern Partnership project represents the actions of all the parties, and all the parties must also see the results,” he stated.

Hanso added that the Eastern Partnership sparks some concerns in Russia that somebody is going to win and the other is going to lose, but it is safe to say that the cooperation will provide new opportunities for all parties.

According to him, implementing reforms is much easier in Armenia than in Ukraine, taking into consideration the number of the population and other issues.