The price of digital network’s internal currency ALL.ME (ME) Token has increased by 1,375% in four months.

Thus, ME Token, which was listed on the CoinAll crypto exchange with the initial value of $0.014 on February 11 this year, now is traded for almost $0.20. 

The token’s success since its release is due to the ecosystem in which it exists: digital network which consists of a social platform (meNetwork), a trading platform (meMarket), and its own payment service (mePay). The concept is based on building mutually beneficial partnerships within the user-platform-business chain. is a digital network that consists of a social network (meNetwork), marketplace (meMarket), and payment service (mePay). The unique business model allows its users to communicate with each other, to surf interesting content and get rewarded in ME ( digital currency). The platform shares up to 50 percent of the advertising revenue with users.  

ME is also applicable outside Firstly, the token can already be exchanged for BTC or USDT. Secondly, the token has very high liquidity, which is an important factor for both active buyers and ordinary holders.

With the launch of meMarket, users are able to buy different products directly from their newsfeed, sell different items by simply posting items on their profile, rate the sellers they bought from and help others to shop smartly and ask questions about products and discuss shipment details with sellers directly.

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