The authorities of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic are still succeeding in not giving in to the provocations of Armenia’s authorities. This is what leader of the National Security political party Garnik Isagulyan declared during a press conference today.

According to him, this is due to the fact that the leadership of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic understands that those provocations can lead to more problems with Armenia.

“Most of the deputies of the My Step parliamentary faction don’t know what they’re talking about. They think they have all the information about Nagorno-Karabakh just because they have visited Nagorno-Karabakh a couple of times,” he said.

Isagulyan stated that the fact that the authorities tried to conceal the document of the Venice Commission goes to show that the authorities don’t need the people anymore and that they are currently dealing with the enrichment of ‘velvet’ oligarchs.

The political party’s leader added that even the supporters of the “velvet revolution” accept the fact that there is usurpation of power.

"What is noteworthy is the fact that an attempt is being made to repress the only legitimate branch of government, that is, the judicial branch, and this is manifested through the statements of the newly elected judge of the Constitutional Court who claims that he is the head of the Constitutional Court," Isagulyan said.