The Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, on Wednesday has informed that the discussions on the Amulsar gold mine are continuing.

“A while ago, I held a consultation on the Amulsar matter; a representative of Lydian [company which operates this mine] was also in attendance,” he wrote, in particular, on his Facebook page. “I was interested in the possible phases of the planned process—tangibly, the possible management methods of possible risks, and the levers that the [Armenian] government has. We continue working on this very important topic.”

And sometime thereafter, Pashinyan added: “Today, the government staff is sending the Elard [Lebanese consultancy firm] conclusion to the Ministry of the Environment—with the following instruction: To find out whether there are data in the conclusion which, according to the legislation of Armenia, cause a need for making a new assessment of the environmental impact of the operation of the Amulsar mine.”