There are many possibilities of collaboration between Armenia and Iraq where Iraq can benefit from the advances that Armenia has made in technology, DR. Hassan Alkhatib, Tech Advisor to Communication Minster of Iraq, told Armenian

He said Iraq is learning from the methods used by the Armenian government.

“You have a program called TUMO which is very impressive, and I think in Iraq school children from the age of 10 and higher can benefit from getting exposed to these kind of tools that will encourage them to pursue sciences, engineering and have a desire actually to be created by becoming creative from the age of 10 or 12,” he said.

Another area that could be very beneficial in terms of collaboration between two countries is area of supporting is area of facilitating transit traffic.

“There is plenty of data traffic that comes from the Far East through the Gulf that can pass through Iraq and through potentially Iran and then Armenia, then Georgia and to Europe,” he said. “I can attest that Armenia seems to be better than the average around the world in terms of adoption of technology, and particularly the attention to support technological changes in Armenia.”