US President Donald Trump on Monday compared Turkey, which launched a military operation in Syria, and Kurds with children fighting in a playground, who are separated by the United States, TASS reported.

In an interview with Fox News, he spoke about the agreements on the suspension of the Turkish military operation that were reached last week.

According to him, the time has come to bring our soldiers home. It is like two children fighting in a playground, he added. 

On October 9, Ankara announced thr operation in northern Syria with the goal of creating a buffer zone there. It should become a protective belt for the Turkish border. According to Ankara’s plan, Syrian refugees will be able to return to Turkey from this region. Damascus called the operation aggression, the international community condemned the actions of Ankara.

On October 17, the US and Turkey reached an agreement to suspend hostilities. Turkey agreed to ceasefire for 120 hours so that Kurdish forces leave the border security zone created by Ankara.