The author of an anonymous article in The New York Times, containing recognition in the actual sabotage of a number of decisions by President Donald Trump as part of his administration, has written and is preparing to release a book about the American leader, CNBC reported.

“The book, entitled “A Warning,” will offer “an unprecedented behind-the-scenes portrait of the Trump presidency,” according to a press release issued by the publisher Twelve, a division of Hachette Book Group,” the source noted.

The author continue to hide his identity.

On September 5, 2018, The New York Times posted an article authored by a high-ranking US administration official. It says that in the leadership of the US government there is a resistance movement to Trump. According to the author, many high-ranking officials in the US administration are diligently working to prevent the implementation of the president’s agenda and his worst intentions. This movement essentially sabotages those Trump decisions that it considers wrong and harmful, including attempts to establish relations with Russia.

Immediately after this publication, according to The Washington Post, Trump and his assistants set about searching for the author of the article.

According to the newspaper, the publication caused the president an attack of volcanic anger and led him to immense rage.