The UN General Assembly overwhelmingly voted to condemn the US economic blockade of Cuba, rejecting US criticism of human rights violations in the country and criticizing the increasingly harsh coercive measures by the Donald Trump administration, AP reported

UN GA resolutions are not legally binding, but they reflect world opinion.

The US imposed an embargo against Cuba in 1960 after the Fidel Castro revolution and the nationalization of property owned by US citizens and corporations.

The conservative government of Brazil, led by President Jair Bolsonaro, voted against the resolution for at least five years.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said the Trump administration has aggressively stepped up the embargo on other countries and has tried to prevent cargo from being delivered to Cuba by resorting to sanctions and threats against ships, shipping companies and insurance companies. 

“It does not conceal its intention which is economically to suffocate Cuba and to increase damage, scarcities and hardships on our people,” he said.

US Ambassador Kelly Craft said the US, like all countries, can choose with whom to trade.