Republicans have prepared a defense report ahead of Donald Trump’s impeachment, The Guardian reported.

“At the heart of the matter, the impeachment inquiry involves the actions of only two people: President Trump and President Zelensky. The summary of their July 25, 2019, telephone conversation shows no quid pro quo or indication of conditionality, threats, or pressure – much less evidence of bribery or extortion. The summary reflects laughter, pleasantries, and cordiality. President Zelensky has said publicly and repeatedly that he felt no pressure. President Trump has said publicly and repeatedly that he exerted no pressure,” it says.

Republicans categorically rejected Democrat accusations of Trump about intention to extract political benefits from the investigation against the family of former US vice president Joseph Biden. The report also denied any attempt by the head of the White House to interfere with the testimony of witnesses as part of the impeachment procedure in the House of Representatives of Congress.

They argue that the Democrats began work on preparing to impeach Trump immediately after his election.