Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said tensions around Iran had triggered the disaster for the Ukrainian Boeing, Reuters reported.

“I think if there were no tensions, if there was no escalation recently in the region, those Canadians would be right now home with their families,” Trudeau said in the interview.

“The U.S. makes its determinations. We attempt to work as an international community on big issues. But sometimes countries take actions without informing their allies,” he said.

As reported earlier, Ukrainian plane crashed on January 8 near Tehran, leaving 176 people killed.

On Saturday, the Iranian military said that the Ukrainian Boeing was shot down, the human factor was to blame. Iran noted that they expected an attack from the US, and therefore the country's air defense systems were put on full alert.

The plane was shot down on the very day when Iran attacked the Iraqi bases where the US military is stationed. The attacks were retaliated for the assassination of US forces by Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.