When I was elected Prime Minister, I declared that I refuse to interfere in the work of the judiciary and instruct courts, but later, the government saw that the public continues to hold the government responsible for the decisions rendered by courts. This is what Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan said during an interview on Armenian Public Television today.

“The public continues to hold the government responsible for the decisions rendered by courts. People know that the Constitutional Court isn’t independent and that it has been a part of the pyramid of power. My government says we should establish an independent court system so that we don’t get into the details when we hear a court decision,” he stated.

The Prime Minister expressed the view that people don’t trust the Constitutional Court and added that the current Constitutional Court is the Court that served the former corrupt government.

In response to the claims that the current Constitutional Court is independent, Nikol Pashinyan said Armenia has to have independent courts.

Nikol Pashinyan didn’t agree with the opinion that there shouldn’t be turbulence in the public through the new referendum and added that there hasn’t been any turbulence after elections since the revolution that took place in Armenia.