There is a deficit of face masks around the world. This is what Minister of Healthcare of Armenia Arsen Torosyan said during a press conference devoted to the first confirmed case of coronavirus in Armenia.

“Many countries either lack face masks or have raised the prices of face masks. The countries that produced face masks had to increase their capacities,” he stated.

The minister reported that Armenia has imported 165,000 face masks. “Armenia will receive another 50,000 face masks in a couple of days in order to meet the needs of medical institutions since doctors interact with patients and are truly considered a risky group. Armenia might establish a face mask factory, but people understand that they will face problems with the sale of face masks since there won’t be an outbreak anymore. People shouldn’t wear face masks when they walk on the street. They should wear them when the authorities tell them to, and the authorities tell them to wear face masks when there is a person who might be infected with the coronavirus or any other virus, for that matter,” he said.