The Communist Party of Armenia has issued the following statement:

“The Communist Party of Armenia has spoken out about the cracks in the relations between Russia and Armenia, as well as the deepening of those cracks and the consequences several times.

The politicians who have refused all types of –isms and have proclaimed themselves as pro-Armenian and Armenia-centered are currently acting to the detriment of the Republic of Armenia.

On the background of the uproar caused due to the broadcasting of Russian TV channels in Armenia and which the Communists had spoken out about before, airtime is given to Navalny, the infamous Armenophobic politician who is against the empowerment of and stability in Russia, and this is further undermining the foundations for the Armenian-Russian friendship and is presented as a sign of democracy and sovereignty. The Republic of Armenia is a sovereign political entity because it is Russia’s ally, and the sooner the Armenian authorities understand this simple truth, the more the Armenian people will gain.

The Russian 102nd Military Base plays an undeniable role in the impregnability of Armenia’s borders and protection of Armenia from the encroachments of hostile countries, and the Communist Party has also made significant contributions to the deployment of the Military Base in Armenia. Consequently, as one of the founders and supporters of the Armenian-Russian friendship, we can’t be indifferent to what is happening around the ally that is vitally significant for the Armenian people. Thus, to the authorities and to the venturesome people who have proclaimed themselves as political forces and receive grants from the West and only serve the West’s interests, we call on you to not try to thrust a wedge in the friendship of the two friendly peoples because you will fail, you are temporary, but the friendship of our nations traces back to centuries and will continue for centuries to come.”