The elections were held in a competitive and well-organized environment, fundamental rights and freedoms were primarily respected. This is what Head of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Kari Henriksen told reporters today.

Henriksen stated that there was extreme polarization during the election campaign and that the fact that the elections were personalized was also a negative factor.

“Women played a rather active role, and the amendments to the Electoral Code also contributed to this. Most of our proposals were implemented, particularly with regard to women’s involvement,” Henriksen said.

Head of the Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Giorgos Katroungalos also positively assessed the organizing of the elections.

“At polling stations, we saw insignificant technical violations. Some of the polling stations were overcrowded, and there was no access for persons with disabilities in certain polling stations. The authorities drew up records on electoral violations, but all this, as a whole, doesn’t call into question the democratic nature and constitutionality of the elections,” he said.

On June 20, Armenia held snap elections of the National Assembly, and based on the results, there will be three political forces in parliament, including Civil Contract Party (led by acting Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan), ‘Armenia’ bloc and ‘I Have Honor’ bloc.

During the election campaign and on the day of elections, there were several signals from various organizations and citizens, including signals addressed to international observers who were calling on responding and giving interim evaluations.