Activists of radical organizations disrupted a rally in the center of Beirut on the day of mourning for those killed in the explosion a year ago in the seaport. 

As the representative of the Lebanese Red Cross Society, George Quettane, told reporters, on the approaches to the parliament building from the Place de Martyr square, clashes occurred between police forces and demonstrators. 84 people were injured or suffered from the use of tear gas on both sides.

The riot police used water cannons against activists, who threw stones and Molotov cocktails at them. Clashes between groups of aggressive protesters and gendarmes, who came to the aid of the military, continued for at least three hours. Towards midnight, the city center was cleared of demonstrators who retreated to the Jumeizi and Saifi districts.

President Michel Aoun promised in his speech at an international sponsorship conference in support of the people of Lebanon, which took place online on Wednesday, that the ongoing investigation of the tragic incident at the seaport will be completed and justice will prevail.

According to the head of state, everyone who has shown negligence will appear before the court.

On August 4, 2020, an explosion occurred in the seaport of Beirut, the capacity of which was 1,500 tons of TNT. The blast wave destroyed and damaged thousands of houses inside and outside the city, 218 people died, 6,500 were injured, more than 300,000 citizens were left homeless. According to the Lebanese Ministry of Internal Affairs, the explosion was caused by the ignition of over 2.7 thousand tons of ammonium nitrate stored in a warehouse during welding.