An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.3 occurred on January 16 at 07:25 local time (03:25 GMT) on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border - 12 km southeast of the city of Kapan in the Syunik region of Armenia. This is reported by the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic.

The earthquake coordinates are 39.14⁰ north latitude and 46.52⁰ east longitude.

The source of the earthquake with a magnitude of 4.3 lay at a depth of 10 km.

The strength of the tremors in the epicenter was 5-6 points.

An earthquake of magnitude 4-5 was felt in the town of Kapan in the Syunik region and in a number of villages in the Syunik region. Shocks of magnitude 3-4 were felt in the cities of Vayk and Yeghegnadzor, Vayots Dzor region, as well as in the capital of Artsakh, Stepanakert.