Four provinces of Ecuador - Azuay, Imbabura, Sucumbios, Orellana - have declared a state of emergency amid anti-government demonstrations, El Universo reports. The corresponding decree was signed by President Guillermo Lasso, allowing the use of the army and police to unblock the work of the fuel sector of the regions, which was blocked due to protests.

The President of the Republic, Guillermo Lasso, declared a state of emergency in the provinces of Asuay, Imbabura, Sucumbios and Orellana for 30 days due to serious internal unrest, the document says.

As El Universo notes, the protests in these regions not only affected the supply of fuel, but also jeopardized the provision of the provinces with the necessary medicines, food and goods that are used for economic activities.

Anti-government demonstrations in Ecuador began in mid-June amid a sharp rise in gasoline prices, as well as an increase in crime rates. The protests more than once led to riots and clashes with the police. At the moment, at least six people are known to have died as a result of the demonstrations.