Canada's defense department is amending the charter regarding the appearance of military personnel, from September 2022 they will be allowed to wear any hairstyle, piercing and manicure, according to the website of the Canadian military department.

The instructions that currently regulate the appearance of Canadian military personnel are already outdated and do not correspond to modern realities. All innovations are subject to certain conditions, and commanders may require subordinates to shave their beards, remove piercings, or recolor their hair.

From September, both recruits and veterans will be able to wear hair of any length and dye it in any color. They will be allowed not to shave their faces and wear beards, sideburns and mustaches of any shape, the main requirement for them is a neat appearance.

Also, Canadian military personnel will be able to get face tattoos, but they must not promote racism, sexism, homophobia and religious intolerance.

In addition, the military will be allowed to wear long nails, rings, ear piercings, including tunnel earrings. Also, the Canadian military will be allowed to wear backpacks on one shoulder - the left to salute with the right hand, men will be allowed to wear skirts.