Former United States President Donald Trump, on the anniversary of the change of power in Afghanistan, said that after the withdrawal from the country under the current US President Joe Biden, the US military left the Taliban the best weapons in the world worth more than $ 85 billion dollars, the press service of the ex-head of state reports.

A year ago, the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan was the most shameful, incompetent and humiliating event in the history of the United States, he said.

"Not the fact that we left, I was the one that got our soldier count down to 2 thousand in preparation for leaving," Trump continued, "but the way we left, taking the military out first, 13 dead soldiers (with many badly injured), leaving many Americans behind, and giving the enemy over 85 Billion Dollars worth of the best military equipment in the world. So Sad!" 

The former US president added that the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in the summer of 2021 was accompanied by the death of 13 US service members.