Apple CEO Tim Cook said his biggest argument with Steve Jobs was over iPhone sales, Business Insider writes.

For years they had been discussing how to sell the iPhone: by a subsidy model or a revenue-sharing strategy, which is what Jobs wanted.

Apple first went Jobs' way and then moved on to Cook's idea.

On Wednesday, Cook spoke at Code's annual conference alongside design legend Joni Ive, Jobs' widow Lauren Powell Jobs and journalist Cara Swisher to talk about the late visionary Jobs.

Swisher asked Cook what he argued most with Jobs about, and Cook said it was the iPhone sales strategy before the company debuted in 2007.

Cook said he wanted to go the subsidy route, which would have meant that phone carriers such as AT&T would pay Apple a portion of the cost of the iPhone up front. They would then recoup that cost through the customer's monthly subscription fee.

Jobs, on the other hand, wanted to receive a portion of the phone carrier's monthly revenue, which was not the industry standard at the time.