The owner of the project Wikipedia foundation Wikimedia held the first major redesign of the online encyclopedia in 12 years, Mashable reported.

The new design is called Vector 2022. It features the table of contents of articles was moved to the left side of the page, which accelerated the navigation through the materials. There is a dynamic setting maximum line width. The new feature is needed for better display of content on widescreen monitors. In addition, designers moved the language switch button to a more prominent place - in the upper right corner.

The new Wikipedia version comes with a total of nine big changes. The developers claim that they did not remove any of the old options during the redesign.

More than 30 designers, programmers and other professionals from around the world worked on Vector 2022. According to Mashable, some of the changes were not easy for the developers and caused heated arguments in the group.

A complete or partial change of interface has already taken place in 314 language versions of the online encyclopedia.