The moderators of the Dutch Experiment Hamsters TV-show Dennis Storm and Valerio Zeno tasted each other during a life program on BNN: each ate the other’s meat.

As informs linking on The Daily Mail right before the show the men underwent a small operation during which a small chunk of meat was removed from Simon’s hip, and Zeno’s stomach. After that the cook cooked a dish of human flesh and did not add any spices so that the moderators “could taste real human flesh”. As a result Storm and Zeno, sitting around a table under candle light, ate each other.

Storm confessed that it was rather strange looking in ones college’s eyes while you were chewing a piece of his stomach.

The question was how human flesh tasted became the theme for an episode of Proefkonijnen. During that program people can ask the moderators “any stupid questions” and the moderators must be ready to answer the question right away.