June 01
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The conference hall of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute hosted a meeting with authors who have compiled important information from the pages of foreign presses and authored several books. The materials were compiled from the pages of U.S. presses published between 1890 and 1922, particularly The New York Times.

The volumes were recently released by the Mekhitarist Publishing House and are under the title “The Armenian Genocide: Prelude and Aftermath. As reported in the U.S. Press – The New York Times”. The volumes were prepared and edited by Fr. Supreme Archimandrite Ohanian of the Mekhitarist Congregation and Australian-Armenian Ara Ketibian, and the book was published with the support of VivaCell-MTS.

“Every book, photo, article and anthology collected in this museum presents the truth. Attaching importance to all this, for years, VivaCell-MTS has supported the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and assisted in the implementation of different programs. It is very important for the atrocity against humanity to be condemned once and for all and never happen again. I say this not only as a descendant of an Armenian of Adana, but also a person who doesn’t accept hatred,” General Manager of VivaCell-MTS Ralph Yirikian said.

The book features the 1894-96 Hamidian massacres, the Adana massacre, the Armenian Genocide and the direct consequences of those massacres.

The first volume features 1,607 articles, and the second one — 1,059. This is a great achievement for all field specialists, researchers and readers at large.

The participants of the event were introduced to the authors, listened to their commentaries and received answers to their questions of interest.

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