June 20
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There will be no war with Azerbaijan in the near future, Giro Manoyan, head of the Hay Dat (Armenian Cause) office, ARF Dashnaktsutyun told

“Azerbaijan can afford unleashing war in two cases: if it feels confident of winning, or if Armenia and Turkey normalize relations, without taking into account Azerbaijan’s interests,” he said. According to him, the second scenario will be considered as force-majeure and, doing so, Baku will try to change something. The head of the Hay Dat office considers that at present neither of the scenarios is feasible.

Asked about the recent warlike statements voiced by the Azerbaijani authorities, the increasing purchase of weapons, in particular two batteries of S-300PMU2 Favorit air-defense system, ban on leaving the country imposed against males aged 18-45, as well as other factors testifying to neighbors’ intention to unleash war, ARFD member noted that all these factors are intended for domestic policy.

“They are trying to hint that something crucial might happen and the incumbent government should not be changed. They are just trying to retain power,” Gio Manoyan stated.  

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