June 12
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YEREVAN. - If some political force has ambitions to win the election, let it do so under the conditions of the revised Constitution, Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) spokesman Eduard Sharmazanov told Armenian News – today after the RPA Executive body session.

“I don’t think that any politician or political force, which has actual chances to win the presidential election, will have any problems with participating in the election. If these people have a childish dream to become a president, the new Constitution provides the same powers to the prime minister,” he said.  

According to the RPA spokesman, the new Constitution isn’t aimed at strengthening the position of one person or party, or the political monopoly of current ruling RPA party. “The politicians who state that the ruling party is solving the issue of reclaiming the authority, probably do not know the Constitution in force either,” Sharmazanov said.  


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