June 04
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By Heghine Manukyan

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan is applying double standards in commenting the revolutionary developments in the Arab world, the expert in Turkic studies Andranik Ispiryan told Armenian, as he spoke of the Turkish Premier`s behavior in connection with the developments in Libya.

The reason for his behavior is the Al-Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights the Recep Erdogan received during the African Union`s conference in Libya last November. "Months later that prize proved a trouble for Erdogan," Ispiryan said. At present, the Turkish Premier, who is actively involved in the developments in the Arab world due to his speeches (even the Egyptian FM advised him not to interfere in Egypt`s domestic affairs), is now behaving like that in the case of Libya. Although that country`s authorities are killing people by means of the army, Erdogan is silent. The Turkish Opposition and citizens are indignant at his silence, Ispiryan said.

According to him, Erdogan called on the Egyptian and Tunisian authorities to listen to the people instead of holding fast to their chairs. In Libya`s case, however, the prize is a barrier he cannot overcome. "While speaking of democratic values and human rights, Erdogan received a prize from a typical dictator, who is now showing his real worth by killing hundreds of people. Erdogan should return the prize or remain silent," the expert said.

In response to the Turkish Opposition members (particularly, Kemal K?l?cdaroglu) calling on him to return the prize, the Turkish Premier says what sounds like this: "How can you demand such a thing from me, when you yourselves are unable to find Libya on the map?" It is noteworthy that the Turkish Premier made a similar statement when he spoke of the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs, when the latter approved a resolution on the Armenian Genocide last year. According to Ispiryan, Erdogan`s not returning the Al-Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights is a blow on Turkey`s international image as a "democratic state" - a fact mentioned by the Opposition.

The Erdogan administration officially stated that returning the prize is out of the question. Moreover, the Turkish Premier convened a conference of the Justice and Development Party and called on the party member to be cautious about making statements on Libya and all that has anything in common with that state. He stressed that 25 to 30 thousand Turks are living in Libya and about 200 enterprises are operating there.

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