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YEREVAN. - On May 30 Armenian Government held the first sitting of state committee for coordination of 100th anniversary commemoration events of Armenian Genocide, headed by Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan.

Catholicos of all Armenians Karekin II, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia Aram I, top political figures of Armenia and Artsakh, as well as Diaspora representatives attended the meeting.

Armenian President informed the participants about his decision to expand the Committee staff, affiliating the Trustee of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation responsible for the UK branch and the Armenian Communities Department Martin Essayan and the chairperson of Armenian Relief Society Central Executive Board Vicky Marashlian.

Presidential press service provided Armenian the speech of President Sargsyan:

“The issue of Genocide stays open for each Armenian even after 96 years from this crime against humanity.

It is open because you can never understand and accept the extermination of one’s own citizens planned and targeted on the state level.

It is open because the terrible crimes against Armenian people have not been settled even after nine and a half decades.

It is open because the followers of those who organized the Great Massacre and who spare no effort to distort this black page of Armenian history still exist.

It is open because those who do not recognize the Armenian Genocide regard our tragedy only as a hindering point for their foreign policy.

We are peaceful people and we are ready to speak, to discuss and to cooperate with everybody, including our neighbors. However, we shall never accept the denial of Armenian Genocide and disrespect towards the memory of innocent victims.”

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