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YEREVAN.- The main topic discussed by the authorities and the Armenian National Congress (ANC) should have been the March 1 victims, but not snap elections, said Armenian political expert Hamayak Hovhannisyan.

According to him, ANC should raise the question as it is responsible for the March 1 victims.

“Authorities are to blame for the March 1 deaths but the opposition is responsible for it. The opposition called on people to gather. All the ten killed were not members of any political party. The only issue on the agenda should have been compensation to the families of victims, but not snap elections,” he said.

He believes the opposition should not cherish hopes with the authorities. Government started dialogue as it was beneficial, he added.

Armenian opposition did not recognize official results of the presidential election held on February 19, 2008. Leader of the opposition Levon Ter-Petrosyan organized rallies in the Liberty Square, in the center of Yerevan, which lasted until March 1. Thousands took to the streets demanding that official election results should be canceled. Ten people, including two law enforcers, became victims of confrontation.


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