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Speaker of the National Assembly (NA) of Armenia, Alen Simonyan, does not rule out that delimitation will continue with the same maps of 1976 also along the entire Armenia-Azerbaijan border, which is currently being delimited in the Tavush Province sector of Armenia. Simonyan stated this in an interview with reporters at the NA Tuesday.

“It's one of the most convenient options, if not the most convenient. One can argue between one or two versions, but when the Soviet Union drew those borders, they basically, perhaps with a special purpose on the spot, clearly drew the Armenia-Iran and Armenia-Turkey borders because they were the external maps of the Soviet Union. But they mixed up the rest of the maps as much as possible, they said ‘it is our administrative territory.’ And the problem in maps has always been to find a clear document where there is something on both sides. Now we have found [it], we have [it]," he said.

According to Simonyan, these maps differ very little from each other, and we are talking about the difference in scales.

"It's true, it's about meters, but that meter can change something on the ground, [it's] about the scales. In the scaling logic, there is a scale map of 1 to 100 thousand, 1 to 50 thousand, and 1 to 25 thousand, and this option is currently the most acceptable. It is a very acceptable option also for us [i.e. Armenia]," said the speaker of the NA.

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