June 20
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STEPANAKERT.- President of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Bako Sahakyan participated in the solemn event organized on the Day of the Police and addressed the policemen with a congratulatory speech.

“Dear Police officers and veterans,

I extend my heartiest congratulations on your professional holiday and the 10th anniversary of the NKR Police.

On this solemn moment I first of all bow my head in memory of all those police officers who lost their lives during the Artsakh liberation struggle and while performing their duties. Glory and honor to the martyrs!

Today is another opportunity to reflect on your work, and I am pleased to note that in recent years significant positive changes and developments have been carried out in the work of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Police.

First of all, I would like to note that the number of crimes in 2011 decreased by 99 cases. The crime rate per 10 thousand people continued to decline and constituted 25,6 cases compared to 33 ones in 2010. This is one of the lowest rates in the world, which indicates high level of public safety in our country.

A high rate of crime detection of about 91 percent is also satisfactory. However, it is necessary to work more consistently to improve this figure, as well as the effectiveness of disclosure of criminal cases suspended in previous years. There are also unsolved grave and particularly grave crimes, which is unacceptable.

The detection of latent crimes should be considered a priority. This figure has grown by 16 cases in 2011 as compared to 2010, however, there is still much to be done.

To make the fight against crime more efficient, consistent work should be done primarily for the prevention of crime. Within this context it is important expand and deepen cooperation between different departments of the police itself as well as between police and other relevant structures. Cooperation with police and other government agencies of the Republic of Armenia is also crucial.

There are also problems in the traffic safety. To a great extent they are derivatives from steady continuing growth in traffic as well as road capacity. I am aware of the extensive work carried out to prevent road accidents and ensure traffic safety. However, substantial growth in traffic accident shows that there are still unresolved issues in this field. There is a need to carry out comprehensive measures to improve the situation.

The effective solution of the tasks assigned to the police to a great extent depends on proper cadre policy, including discipline, recruitment and appointment of personnel. It is necessary to carry out continuous work in this direction.

It is also thanks to the principled and dedicated work of the police and each police officer that the law and order are maintained in our republic, the rights and interests of the citizens are protected. These are among the most important areas of state functioning that have always been in the spotlight of both the authorities and the society. And naturally, the existing positive trends here as well as the shortcomings and flaws immediately get an appropriate response by the population. Therefore, the requirements for police officers are more stringent and clear-cut.

I want to be sure that the leadership of the police and every officer will continue to do everything possible to realize effectively their tasks. The state in its turn will keep providing necessary assistance to the structure on a continuous and ongoing basis.

Dear police officers,

I once again, congratulate on this memorable occasion and wish you and your families peace, robust health and great success.”

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