June 20
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On May 1 Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) started to hand out cameras to its trusted people in all 1,982 election districts of Armenia, Armenian MP from PAP Naira Zohrabyan told Armenian

According to her, the whole election process stared from 8.00 a.m. on May 6 until the last ballot is thrown into the box will be recorded.

“This is a serious mechanism which enables to control the whole election process and fix possible violations,” she mentioned.

As Armenian reported earlier, ruling coalition member PAP is planning to videorecord the election process in all 1,982 election areas throughout Armenia.

Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) is a political power included in the ruling coalition.

Founded by Armenian biggest businessman Gagik Tsarukyan, the party debuted in 2007 Armenian parliamentary elections, winning 29 seats in 131-seat Armenia’s National Assembly.

The proportional list of the party includes 165 names. PAP has also nominated MP candidates with the majority election system. Prosperous Armenia Party’s election campaign slogan is: “Believe, trust, demand!”

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