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YEREVAN. – Supporters of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) form minority, while society and other political forces are majority, Armenian former FM, Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) members Vardan Oskanian said during the joint headquarter session on Friday.

Oskanian believes that fair elections will reflect on distribution of seats in the next parliament, providing the opportunity to form a new government to take off the state from the hard situation. In addition, it is the RPA that carries responsibility for the hard social-economic condition in the state.

To note, judging from the statement by Oskanian, the PAP having been a member of the ruling coalition and having had several ministers, carries no responsibility for the created situation in the state.

Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) is a political power included in the ruling coalition.

Founded by Armenian biggest businessman Gagik Tsarukyan, the party debuted in 2007 Armenian parliamentary elections, winning 29 seats in 131-seat Armenia’s National Assembly.

The proportional list of the party includes 165 names. PAP has also nominated MP candidates with the majority election system. Prosperous Armenia Party’s election campaign slogan is: “Believe, trust, demand!”

Photo by Sona Barseghyan

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