June 20
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YEREVAN. – Armenia’s army stands ready to carry out all tasks it is given and Armenian fighters are ready for heroic deeds, Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan told news reporters Friday while visiting capital city Yerevan’s Yerablur Military Pantheon.  

To note, Armenia marks June 29 as the Day of Missing Freedom Fighters, who are considered missing due to the Nagorno-Karabakh liberation war.

Reflecting on Azerbaijan’s recent diversionary operations at the line of contact between the Armenian and Azerbaijani armed forces, the Minister noted that these actions were planned. 

“In actual fact, an attempt is being made to influence the international organizations, by way of exacerbating the situation, [and] with the objective of accelerating the resolution process of the Karabakh conflict and trying to create a unilateral climate of pressure,” said Seyran Ohanyan.   

In his words, the Armenian side is against such attempts. 

“We were in an imposed war once and we came out of it. At that time we achieved success and today we give the deserving response to the adversary’s operations,” stressed the Minister.  

According to Ohanyan, the adversary’s operations carry a purpose. “We do not respond to irregular shots [being fired],” he said.   

And with respect to a resumption of war, Armenia’s Defense Minister noted: “We came to the conclusion that the probability of resumption of military operations is not great.”

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