June 20
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YEREVAN.- The European Union views its relations with Armenia in the overall perspective, President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy said in Yerevan.

“The principle of “more for more” is a general principle, which applies to the European Neighborhood member states. This principle has been successfully applied in respect of the Arab spring. In fact it means the more countries follow the path of reform, the greater EU’s financial assistance will be,” he said addressing “Armenia in Europe” conference participants.

Van Rompuy stressed that EU encourages the member states of the European Neighborhood which are in the process of building a stable democracy, including Armenia.

“EU views its relations with Armenia in general term, taking into account the presence of the Karabakh conflict,” he said adding that the principle of “more for more” is the cornerstone of the relations.

The head of the European Council recalled that the negotiations have started to create a deep and comprehensive free trade area, which is part of the Association Agreement. He noted that Armenia is in many ways isolated. This trade agreement could be a new impetus for the development of investment and entrepreneurship.

Free trade is an important factor for the modernization of the country, and for this reason, relations with the EU are so important for Armenia.

“Relations with Armenia are important for us because it is a crucial partner in the Eastern Partnership project and Armenia has adopted the European perspective of modernization. Trade is an engine for future reforms,” he concluded.

Photo Sona Barseghyan


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