July 27
Show news feed

YEREVAN. – The reporter of Armenian Gayane Aprunts was attacked while videotaping clashes between protesters and police in Yerevan city downtown.

“I was taping the traces of explosion on the road, when police agents attempted to arrest Shant Haroutsunyan and other activists. I felt that people are approaching me, turned around and felt the heavy weight of several people who jumped on me,” Aprunts told Armenian

The journalist’s head hit the vehicle windshield and she faint. The video camera, which she used to videotape the clashes, was broken. The incident with Armenian reporter was accidentially videotaped by GALA TV channel.

Earlier Armenian reported that the head of the United National Initiative Shant Haroutsunyan, who has been holding the protest action in the Liberty Square in Yerevan downtown, declared a revolution on Tuesday. Haroutsunyan with about a hundred supporters in masks, initiated an “Anonymous rally” to the Armenia’s presidential residence. The police stopped the rally before it reached the residence, however, clashed with explosions occurred during police operation. Shant Haroutsunyan, his son Shahen and 35 other rally participants were arrested and detained; over a dozen of citizens, including law enforcement agents, were hospitalized.

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