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I have never admitted and never admit the policies of a covered-up trouble-making, Armenia’s new Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan told

Abrahamyan commented on the opposition Armenian National Congress’ (ANC) statement, according to which the main task of the four non-ruling-coalition parliamentary factions (ANC, Prosperous Armenia, ARF Dashnaktsutyun, and Heritage) should be to oust President Serzh Sargsyan’s regime from power.

Hovik Abrahamyan, who was the National Assembly speaker before taking over the PM’s office, said he evaluates his joint work with opposition lawmakers as very effective and fruitful.

“You know, I have quite effectively collaborated with the parliament members of the Armenian National Congress, and we together improved many legislative bills or implemented initiatives contributing to a progress,” he said, expressing confidence that the joint work would continue in the same way if he remained in office.

Abrahamyan further criticized the opposition for the threats voiced.

“I have never admitted and never admit the policies of a covered-up trouble-making. If some people feel that nobody notices the over-exaggerated ambitions hidden between the lines or they think that others can pull the chestnuts out of the fire for them, they are really mistaken.

“Times have changed; our society is interested in finding a solution to the existing problems and the unification of all the forces for a socio-economic progress. Evil and treachery must have a limit. It is important to enjoy a dignified elderly life instead of keeping doing one’s best to make matters worse in Armenia.

“This is my response,” specifically said the Premier.

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